Alan Ieon is a photographer and curator base in Macau.
Born in 1987, Alan studied and graduated in Taiwan. He is the Chief editor and founders of the Macau photo collective – “Dialect”. Having participated in different exhibitions since 2015, his works have been shown in various exhibitions and reviews in Macau, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Singapore and Hungary. Beside his own works, Ieon also practices in photobook editing. As a photography columnist writer, his articles about photobooks, photography culture and history can be seen in columns on internet and local newspapers in Macau.
Enclosed Landscape
Selected Works
my works are associated with urban scenery and focuses on themes related to the system of the city, nation as well as personal identity. In my work, I tries to rediscover fragmented and temperory landscape records scattered around the city in ordrer to explore the purpose of self-existence
‘Enclosed Landscape’ is a long term photo project on the city’s landscape. In the city of spectacle casinos and romanticized landscapes, Ieon has focused his camera on the man-made temporary structures hidden beneath these grand spectacles – construction hoardings – in a typographic attempt to show readers a different Macau from the stereotypes seen on the internet.
Border and Boundary is a long term ongoing project contain multiple series related to the landscape of Macau’s invisible border. In this mini sub-series, it focuses on the visible symbol of the border, the Guard Kiosks. By focusing on the landscape near these indicators, this series hopes to review and discuss the relationship between the Border, the Guard Kiosks with these perfectly normal landscapes nearby..
The Landscape project belong to part of the project to continuing documentary of the island of HengQin, a place which belong to China yet have a closer and closer economical relationship with Macau. The Series focus on the Border between these two places: Macau and HengQin and thus try to discuss the identity, development between these two cities in comparison with the day-by-day dissolving border lies between them.
Mǎorganic is a group documentary work explore the relation between man-made and natural objects in order to understand how they change or rectify people’s perception to what nature is. The word Mǎorganic comes from Chinese word Mǎo (literally mean no or nothing) and the English word organic.
A documentary project related with the economic blooming of island of HuegQin which located in south China. This work was shown in a joint exhibition under the name “Below Laobeishan” in both China and Macau.